There are 4 ways you can participate to a consultation on this platform. Here is some advice to help you use them.
Vote for a proposition
First, read the propositions that have already been posted and feel free to give your opinion about each of them. You will find three buttons to do so : Agree, Neither agree or disagree, Disagree.
Vote for an argument
You can also vote for every arguments/comments under a proposition. You just have to click on that green button Agree.
State your argument in favor or against a proposition
If you cannot find an argument which is close enough to what you think, you can add one, whether it's in favor or against a proposition.
Make a proposition
Click on the "+ Proposer" button to open a window in which you will be able to make a new proposition.
Suggest a modification
You can edit a proposition posted by another user to delete that small sentence you don't agree with or to add something, thus creating a new proposition of your own called "modification". Click the "+ Proposer une modification" under a proposition to create a modification.
Add a source
You can add sources to any proposition to share documents about the proposition.